Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My Favorite DIY Holiday Decor Tutorials and Ideas from Pinterest

The Holiday Season is by far my favorite time of year. It is a time to get back to the basics in life for some, and for others an overwhelming bombardment of advertisements and media portrayal of the perfect christmas, the perfect tree, the perfect family.

I don't know about you, but my family...........is far from that! However, I enjoy finding the brighter side to things. Its not about the perfection for us. I smile much bigger when I see the bright purple painted Santa my daughter made, then the store bought wreath.

I have linked below to some fun DIY decor you can make at home with things you already have or items available for a reasonable price. Keep tuned in later in the week for DIY Kids Decor Projects, and DIY Holiday Gift Ideas to help you keep a grip on the budget this Holiday season.

Follow me on Pinterest for even more Decor, DIY, and Homeschooling Projects. The Do Anything Mom

Back To Nature

Follow Heather Tashima Holiday Nature inspired decor on Pinterest

Candy Coated Christmas

Follow Heather Tashima Candy Coated Christmas on Pinterest

Tis The Season

Follow Heather Tashima Tis The Season on Pinterest

White Christmas

Follow Heather Tashima White Christmas on Pinterest

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Monster Madness Halloween Door and Kids Playdate

Today I wanted to have some of Maddie's friends over for a Halloween play date. Unfortunately no one was available, so we had some spooky fun together anyway. First we had lunch after getting home from the grocery store. We made Mummy Dogs and Banana Ghosts I found on Pintrest. Check out my Pins for some Scary Treats.

While Maddie was finishing her lunch I started making our Monster Door Decorations.


To make this Monster door you will need:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thankful Thursdays

"Keep your eyes open to your mercies. The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life."
-Robert Louis Stevenson

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

DIY Halloween Peasant Dress Re Vamp

About a month ago I had made my daughter and my roommates daughter matching nightdresses from an old sheet to try out this peasant dress pattern from Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mamas Blog before I made a similar one for a good friend. I love this pattern! It is simple to follow and alter.

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DIY Girls Ruffle Dress - Re Fashion

So my mother is a big thrift store shopper. Anything from vintage jewelry which she re uses in her jewelry, to name brand designer clothing. When she visited for my birthday she brought with her a bag full of new/used clothes to add to my wardrobe. It added a lot of new fall fashions to my wardrobe. I really liked this Ralph Lauren Shirt and the vintage looking ruffles. However it just didn't fit me

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